Creating Healthy Schools and Communities (CHSC) initative: RFA # 1405120447


Go Africa Network Inc. (a 501(c)(3) U.S. based non-profit), in concert with New York State Department of Health’s Division of Nutrition Bureau of Nutrition Risk Reduction endeavors to partner with school Districts Identified as High-risk by the New York State, Bureau of Community Chronic Disease Prevention as in need of for preventing and addressing  obesity related issues  in New York State (NYS) schools districts .

Go Africa Network aim’s to partner with school districts with the aim of the following objectives:

  • Mobilize and collaborate school districts and communities by creating a coordinated, multi-sector effort to increase demand for and access to healthy food and opportunities for physical activity, to reduce the risk of obesity in high-need communities and school districts.
  • Increase access to healthy, affordable foods (especially fruits and vegetables, low-sodium foods, and healthy beverages) and increase school districts’ ability to meet federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) nutrition standards for vending, a la carte, school stores, and other foods sold outside the school meal programs.
  • Establish Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs and implement and strengthen each of the five components:
    1. quality physical education;
    2. physical activity during school day;
    3. physical activity before and after school;
    4. Staff involvement; and
    5. Family and community engagement.
  • Provide consistent, evidence-based standards for nutrition and physical activity to promote student wellness through the assessment, development, improvement, and implementation of the federally mandated Local School Wellness Policies.
  • Increase adoption and use of food standards and procurement policies (including criteria for sodium, saturated and trans fats, healthy beverages, and fiber) by venues reaching priority populations, including municipalities, community-based organizations, worksites, and/or hospitals


Your review and execution of the attached Memorandum of understanding (MOU) will allow us to progressively proceed in responding to the NYS RFP Titled RFA # 1405120447 # DOH01-CHSCA-2014GO_5000147_Attachment_3_CHSC_sample_school_MOU_FINAL GAM 11-30-2014

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