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Mobile Phones: Africa is the fastest growing market in the world

late 2012, the World Association of Telecom operators said that sub-Saharan Africa has become since 2000, the most growing market in mobile telephony.

40% growth each year.

With these data, it is expected one billion mobile subscribers on the continent in 2015, attracted by the strong demand for connectivity and innovative services like mobile money and mobile internet.

To show the large number of subscribers that registers already the continent, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has developed, in one of his research, the top ten African countries with a large number of subscribers.

Nigeria, with its four major telecom operators such as MTN, Glo, Airtel and Etisalat, leads with 112,777,785 subscribers, followed by Egypt with 96,798,801.

Top 10

1.  Nigeria : 112,777,785 subscribers

2.  Egypt: 96,798,801 subscribers

3.  South Africa:  68,394,000 subscribers

4.  Morocco: 39,016,336 subscribers

5 Algeria: 37,692,000 subscribers

6.  Kenya: 30,731,754 subscribers

7 Sudan:  27,658,595 subscribers

8.  Ghana:  25,618,427 subscribers

9 Ethiopia: 20,523,889 subscribers

10 Côte d’Ivoire: 19,826,837 subscribers


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